We are a group of artists and makers originating from many parts of the United States. Together, we have worked alongside one another as students of Western Kentucky University, honing our craft in preparation for what lies beyond the academic setting. The past four years brought us together as WKU’s League of Sculptors. While many of our members are graduating this year, others are just beginning their journey. The “League” is always “In Flux”: always changing, evolving over time.
It is important to recognize this flux and embrace it. Without the ability to change, one can not truly develop their potential. “In Flux” is a culmination of work made by individuals, yet strengthened by being a part of something much bigger.
The individuals in this show are a variety of artists consisting of skilled sculptors, painters, illustrators, ceramicists, printmakers, video artists, and photographers. A passion for sculpture, however, is our common thread. We feed off of each other’s energy and insight. We create work as a unit through the practice of three dimensional form. This exhibition celebrates that “Without each other, our work would not be the same.”
We hope you enjoy this exhibition.