9th Annual Gingerbread House Contest

SKyPAC is looking for professionals, amateurs, individuals, or groups to enter their Gingerbread Houses into this year’s contest. The houses that are entered will be on display in the Goodwin Gallery from November 12th to 18th and will have the chance to win various awards.
Big thank you to Graves Gilbert Clinic for being our prize sponsor again this year!
Application deadline: November 1st, 2023
Click here for the application: Gingerbread Contest Application 2023
Call Deb Stein at 270-904-5010 with any questions you may have.
Sunday, November 12th- Gingerbread Contest Drop-Off
Tuesday (13th)- Saturday (18th)- Gingerbread Houses on Display
* FREE Gingerbread Kits provided by Baird