
This Week at SKyPAC: Please Support Annual Fund Drive Underway Now

Post By: The SKyPAC
Date: September 25, 2020

To Our Valued Patrons: This month SKyPAC launched our 2020-2021 annual fundraising drive. Our theme is “CAST YOURSELF IN A ROLE OF A LIFETIME.” Given the extremely challenging conditions this pandemic has thrust upon the arts industry, the slogan seemed appropriate for this critically important opportunity to sustain the arts for this region. As our annual fund begins, SKyPAC and the Capitol Arts Center have lost 54% of our yearly revenue from shows and rentals due to COVID-19. Similarly, show…

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BG Onstage at SKyPAC Student Spotlight: Meet Clare!

Post By: The SKyPAC
Date: September 22, 2020

Meet Clare, she is one of our BGOS kiddos! We will let her tell you a little bit more about herself. We miss Clare and cannot wait to work with her again in the future! Learn about Miss Clare by click here! We love to see our students grow! We remember when Clare was just a wee young thing in “MTH: Pirates Past Noon, KIDS”. Watch and Enjoy! Performer: Clare What It Means To Be A Friend (Cover)- from 13:…

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6th Annual Gingerbread Homes for the Arts Event at SKyPAC

Post By: The SKyPAC
Date: September 18, 2020

SKyPAC is planning for the Gingerbread Festival this November.  We will have the Gingerbread Contest as part of the event!  The week will probably look different than it has in the past due to the pandemic, but we will follow all current guidelines to bring you a safe but enjoyable Gingerbread Contest! Get your creative juices flowing! We look forward to seeing you and your Gingerbread creations in November! You can find the Contest Application here. Thanks to a generous…

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BG Onstage at SKyPAC Student Spotlight: Meet Kelly!

Post By: The SKyPAC
Date: September 18, 2020

Kelly played JoJo in our 2019 School Day Production of “Seussical, JR”.  What cuties! Kelly played Young Anna in our 2019 production of “Frozen, JR”. In 2020, Kelly was cast as Ugly in our production of “Honk! JR” and was cast as Tammy in our production of “Matilda”. Both productions were unfortunately cancelled due to COVID 19. We miss Kelly and all of our students/actors and can’t wait to get to work with everyone again in person!  

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